Hong Kong
We landed in Hong Kong early in the morning and we had about an 8 hour delay before our next flight. So we took a tour and learned a great deal about Hong Kong from a funny chinaman. For example, there about 7 million people who live there! The most skyscapers in the world are in Hong Kong, 8 thousand! People there love Jackie Chan! It is the busiest harbor in the world! There are some awesome bridges in Hong kong!
this view is from 'the peak' way above Hong Kong, a good tourist spot! they even had a starbucks!
Chang Sha Hunan Province China
Dick and Edna Williams were our guides while we were in the interior of China. really good people who love the Lord! we stayed in motels while there and ate at restaurants. yes, we had to use chop sticks and we did pretty good, well most of the time!
Hannah and Susie trying to eat!
this is Reverand Chen, and amazing man who God is using to make things happen in China! He is the President of the Hunan Christian Council and the principal of the Hunan Bible Institute.
We visited the Hunan Bible Institute. We were able to share our testamonies and interview some teachers and students. The picture below is of Gloria Wu, she has been to the States and Ellensburg. She is a wonderful Christian woman who God is using in China! She and her husband teach at the Bible institute and she also does a lot of administration work for the Institute.
we even played a game of basketball and some ping pong!
Chenzhou Hunan Province China
we traveled to Chenzhou to visit churches, churches being constructed, and wonderful Chinese believers.
we were able to catch in a few sights and even eat a few interesting meals, well not all of us ate everything on the table! There a few times we left more that we ate!
Les is sucking marrow out of a pig bone! Yuk!
we were able to go to a market that was in a small village! how cool was that!
because we were farmers they took us to some farms in the country!
This is just a sampling of the trip, we would love to show you more pictures and tell you much more.
1 comment:
I Love your Top Picture!
Hope things are going well! Miss you all!
Love you & God Bless
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