Mark, Gerald and I went with Becky Thompson, the Thelanders and 2 local pasters to a village about 45 minutes away. Lots of kids and singing. Becky and Joanne tought the kids while the local pastors spoke to the adults. There were 82 kids and about 40 adults. On the way home we stopped at the air strip where the hospital is wanting to get a plane in and out of Bongolo. It is also the same strip where they had the crash with the first plane. After being here we can understand why an airplane would help the hospital tremendously.
(Becky teaching Sunday School)
Vicky, Carrie and Elvin went to the church here in Bongolo. About 300 people attend and there was a baby dedication. Later we went to a party in honor of the baby dedication. The parents are our neighbors and the dad is a resident surgeon. Africans don't usually dedicate their baby's so this was a neat thing that they did. It was a good time to fellowship and eat some yummy african sweets.
John, John and Rusty went to another village about 15 minutes away there were lots of kids who loved getting their pictures taken.
(Rusty and John)
It is so neat looking at the church buildings in the villages and seeing the CMA symbol above the doors. It makes you not seem so far away knowing that we are all worshiping our God together.
the hospital
Keir Thelander gave us a tour of the hospital, Sunday after church. He wanted us to know why we are doing the construction. Showing Christ's love, compassion, and helping hurting africans is what it's all about. I can't explain in this blog all of what we saw and experienced through this tour, so you'll have to sit down with one of us when we return home. Just let me say that the doctors and nurses help many people with very little resources. God definetley fills in the gaps here! Vicky and John Yoder are amazed, everytime they comeback from the hospital.
We saw 2 tiny twin babies. They were about 3 pounds and they were in an incubator. We also saw a baby with a broken femur and a man who was very happy after an operation on his leg after suffering for 7 years with a very swoolen leg and now his leg normal again.

(Elvin in an examining room)
(operating room)

the aids building
The aids building isn't quite done yet. The sink we brought is actually for this building. The problem is that the government will not give the hospital the license to treat the aids patients with the drugs they need to live. If the people had the right treatment, they could live long enough to take care of their children, now the patients are dying and leaving their children orphaned. This is a huge prayer request.
Some of us stayed up and watched the superbowl live at one of the missionary's house. A few of the missonaries have satalite dishes that come from South Africa. The game came on at midnight!
Hey about those Giants! Your team finally won!
Andrew was upset though. Did you get to watch it?
Phone home when you get a minute.
It is so wonderful to hear your stories and share these experiences with you! I'm so glad you all are there and we are a part of your trip even though we could not come! And I am also soooo glad mom and John have gotten the opportunity to work in the hospital! I can only imagine how cool it is for them! God bless you all! We miss you!
Oh, and Giselle is doing well... Stewie just can't get over her in his territory though... it's funny :)
It is so amazing to see the pictures and hear your stories. Our hearts go out to each of you for suffering in the humidity. We are praying every day for your health and safety and for your effectiveness in sharing God's love and His precious Word.
"...For the Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands, and your joy will be complete." Deuteronomy 16:15
God Bless You!
Arie, Angela and Baby Kaden
hey mom and dad! im glad you posted another blog! just wanted you to know that i am still praying for you! also, i tried to call today but it didnt work, so ill try again tomorrow. (i suppose that will be today while you read this!) i love you!
love hannah
Marj called from Ariz. and told me how to send my comment, so I'll see ir it works. I do like the updates and pictures. Keep away from the snakes. When hot think of us and all our snow. Mom
You gus are doing a great job!!!We can't believe the temp. difference we are soooo tired of the snow and of the pass being closed ! The green trees look so nice from here. The groop going to Costa Rica had a real God thing happen to them....if you haven't heard....the pass wa closed and it looked like they were never going to get across and then one of the police officers came by and said there was an emergency vehicle that had to get over so everyone in front of it had to go with it...sure enough, they were in the right spot at the right time and got overin time to get to the plane. How about that!!!! We are praying for all of you and hope Elvin isn't keeping you awake with his snorning (don't ask how I know)Keep up the good work for the Lord and we will keep praying on this end. Love and all that sappy stuff from us in Ellensburg. Mark and Kathy.
You know that defence is important and without it you lose!!! Patroits l ost!! They should!!! Dad (
The best team won!! BG
Such a nice job on your blog! Great pictures and information and a sense of the struggles there. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Love you guys!
Thanks so much for your updates and your willingness to serve Him at Bongolo. Your photos are great. So glad you got to see the Super Bowl!! Who would have thought? Sure wish we were there with you. Give our grandchildren a big hug from us. Blessings, Diann & Dave
I know you all must be getting weary from the heat -- Be encouraged by Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak"
Don't let John D lose his sense of humor!
I love being able to see the pictures and feel as if I were almost there with you . . . plus it helps me to know how to pray for you guys more specifically.
BTW, the weather here in Dallas has been in the upper 70's the last few days. Wish I could share it with you.
Blessings, Debbie (and for Steve) Dyk
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