Saturday, February 2, 2008


We shifted into a lower gear today and it was very much needed! This morning we worked on
the building, did some laundry and added to our water supply by some very wonderful missionaries. Carolyn Thorson, a nurse who has been here for 30 some years, brought us some
water and another filter. We (susie and carolyn) chatted for an hour or so. It was nice to visit!

green mambas

This afternoon a few of the guys went to work on the building for a couple of hours, the rest took the afternoon off for some much needed naps and
a swim in the pool. After dinner, we found out that our neighbor killed a green mamba snake outside our front door! This morning another big one was killed down the drive. So we are now looking out for snakes and not walking through the grass!

To end the day, our neighbors, Keir and Joanna Thelander, invited us to watch a movie at their house. A good end to a good day!

sunday services

Tomorrow, we are going to church! We are splitting up in threes and going to go to different churches, two are in near villages and one here at Bongolo. We've been warned to spray for insect reppellant everywhere, even our hair! I'll let you know how it goes!

We want you to know that we love your comments! They are like "Encouragement Cards" to us. We look to see if their are new ones each day! So keep it up!

Have a good Sunday tomorrow and keep praying for us!

  1. quad-plex,
  2. Egrets, around here they are known as the Christmas birds because they arrive from europe around christmas time and stay until may.
  3. David Thompson, Carrie, John, Elvin
  4. Around the dinner table!


Laura said...

Keep it up! I hope the snakes are not going to kill you??? please be careful, can't wait to hear about church. Hannah and i went out for coffee this morning it as Great!

Take care, tell everyone 'hi' for me :)

God Bless

Anonymous said...

This message is for "THE UNIT!!!" (He knows who he is:) We miss you over here and are praying for you, the team and the mission. You look pretty sweaty workin that press!!! But I think Marilyn will hug you anyways. I Love you man. Keep it up.
Mr. T

Bill&Lynette said...

Hey, you guys! Keep up the good work-very cool to see the progress to the buildings! Thanks for all of your hard work for the kingdom-God Bless and keep you safe!

Bill & Lynette

Dane and Stacey said...

Hey big John! We know you're a hunter, so don't shoot the birds, but maybe if you get a chance get rid of the snakes. Seriously, we are praying for your safety and your effectiveness. Take care of yourself and be safe.

Cassie said...

Glad you got some rest time! It is so fun to see your photos! I'm so greatful for my family, and glad you can all serve together! I wish we could be there. We miss you!

Sharon said...

Think of us as we once more shovel snow! We draw encouragement from you guys as we hear about all the work you're doing. Envy your adventure!

Mark said...

SNAKES! Did you say SNAKES? Good luck getting any work out of Grandpa Hodson.

Love Ya,

P.S. Jack says “Merry Super Bowl Sunday”

Anonymous said...

I hope your Sunday is encouraging so you can go at it full speed in the coming days. I want you to know that you aren't fooling anyone. Just because you haven't made mention of any funny mishaps/adventures does not mean for a minute that all of us back in the snow believe you are behaving yourselves. Carrie, try to keep those ornery relatives in line. ;-) ---Bev

Rhonda G said...

Did the ground-hog see his shadow there? Happy Ground Hogs day (yesterday!) Glad you got to celebrate GH day with some rest!
I miss our phone calls Sooze, but since you are on a great mission I can cope!
Love you guys and am praying for you and your work there!

Anonymous said...

i am amzed at the wonderful opportunities you each have to reflect God's love
I love each of you and will continue to pray for your needs.
connie smith

Anonymous said...

hello from Ann, and Gary Gunkel
hello from your lovely wife also. I's time for the Super Bowl to start, so while I'm relaxing and watching the event of the day...I'm so glad that you are doing the thing that will bring God more honor than the "yelling" that will be going on around this room. Mark called with a lecture last night telling me to go with history......Love M

Anonymous said...

Greetings from New York City! I love the comments and pictures! I am glad to read that everyone is safe and well. Please say hello and extend our best wishes to everyone in the group! Love, Gregg and Liz

Unknown said...

Glad things are going good for all of you, thought you might want to know that the Patriots LOST to the Giants... Come home safely, we are all praying for you...

Cassie said...

okay this has nothing to do with your missions trip but I thought mark might like to know that the Giants won the superbowl messing up the patriots perfect season in the last 50 seconds of the game... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey gang, looks like you've got some real challenges! Just know that you're in our thoughts and prayers. Terry says he'll "try" to have the pass open when you come home. 77 inches of snow in 6 days! Hard to imagine you guys in the heat while we're in the cold.
Take care and God's blessings on you. Terry & Debbie

Anonymous said...

We're checking in daily and are excited to see all the great work and adventures you are experiencing. Sure wish I could share some of the 16 inches of snow in my driveway with you!

Dad - you are a great example to your sons, daughters and grandchildren. I'm so proud of you and the whole team.

From Chicago - stay hydrated!

Anonymous said...

Gerald and snakes? I don't believe it! I can remember a few snake story's from the Cloverland area.
We know God will keep you safe. Keep hydraded. We life you all up daily. Our love...Dave and Melva(2)

Hannah said...

hi! thanks for calling, sorry that i couldnt talk very long yesterday. i love you and miss you guys! stay safe! love, hannah

Anonymous said...

Hi, to all of you and are glad that you are enjoying new experiences--except for the snake experiences. It is raining here and it is a cold rain, wish I could send you a little to cool things off for you. I'm enjoying the pictures and comments. Love and continued prayers, Marj & Bob

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your updates and pictures. It really makes me wish I was there with all of you. I was shocked to receive a phone call from John Yoder and John Dyk today. It was great to hear your voices and know that you all are doing well. I was praying for all of you this morning in the prayer room at the church. I've taped a
3x5 card to my steering wheel to remind me to pray for you each day. Thank you all for being willing to leave the comforts of home to serve on this mission trip. I'm sure that these will be some of the best spent days of your lives and will have an impact for all eternity. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers often. We love you and consider it a privilege to support you through our prayers as you do the "dirty work." Keep spurring each other on towards love and good deeds - especially when you're hot, tired and thirsty. Take care and keep the updates coming. It's nice to know how we can be praying for you specifically. Dwayne

Anonymous said...

Hey there Mark & Susie-
Great to get a little update. Heidi would be really struggling as she is very terrified of snakes. Looking forward to hearing more from you, seeing pictures and having you over to our home when you get back. Take care and may God continue to bless you and others through you.

Anonymous said...

The best Word is God's word...You are strong, courageous, and firm; you fear not and are not in terror, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. Deut. 31:6

God has given you authority and power to trample upon SERPENTS and scorpions, and (physical and mental strength and ability) over all the power that the enemy (possesses); and nothing shall in any way harm you. Luke 10:19

It is quite comforting that as a believer...these signs follow YOU: In Jesus name you drive out demons, speak in new languages; pick up SERPENTS (deal with demonic powers); and (even) if you drink anything deadly, it will not hurt you, you lay your hands on the sick and they recover. Mark 16:17-18

know this...The end of a thing is better than its begining...AMEN!

So, THE END...Janine
John, Please call home...

Anonymous said...

John Yoder, We've been praying for your safety & health. Just seeing these pix bring joy to my heart & tears to my eyes. You are doing Gods Will in a big way!!! Hope you have had a chance to see "The Cross Stars" you were telling us about. I am not worried about the snakes sneaking up on you because I know your not afraid of them. Just be cautious. Of course your know me, I could write forever. All of us here in Eburg love & miss you. We will continue prayer for you until you return home safely to the ones who love you :-) Kimberly Ann Lewis