Tuesday, January 29, 2008

we survived the bongolo road, just barely!

We are here at Bongolo and are we glad you were praying!

The plane trip that we weren't too worried about was the first af a very long day!
We landed in Mouila, but not before our stomaches were turned upside down!

We loaded all the stuff in a van and a truck and started our way on the bongolo highway.
This too was an experience! Vicky and Carrie lost most of their breakfast several times! We went four-wheelin in Africa in a van!

David and Becky Thompson, greeted us and fed us a wonderful meal. Sleep and simply not moving is wonderful!


Cassie said...

Oh No!!! Poor Carrie and MOM!! I can only imagine how bumpy it was, as I don't think i've ever seen my mom throw up! Glad you all made it there safely. Have fun!

Shirley & Randy said...

We are so happy to hear you have "landed". We are praying for your health, energy and safety as you share yourselves with everyone there. Enjoy the jungle, we got snow and alot of it!!
God Bless,
Shirley & Randy

Cassie said...

oh... just a blogger tip, you can post photos in your blog postings by clicking the photo link at the top of where you type. Then you attach the photo you want off your computer. They are then able to be clicked on and see the bigger version, since the sidebard photos are kinda small. but no worries, i just can hardly see... i have my mom's blind eyes.

Nana said...

Technology is wonderful. Amazing to have such contact on the other side of the world. I hope Carrie and Vicky have rebounded from the ride. We are praying you accomplish much while there, make a few friends and enjoy the ride.
Nana & Bud

Dave&Melva said...

So glad you are there safe.
We will continue to hold all
of you up in prayer daily.
God Bless,
Dave & Melva (2)